Changelog --------- 0.10.0 (unreleased) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.9.1 (2024-04-29) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``exoscale.api.v2.Client`` improvements: * Client initialization accepts two signatures: ``Client(key, secret, zone)`` for typical use and ``Client(key, secret, url)`` when needing to target another endpoint than the public endpoint template. * Drop support for Python 3.7, add Python 3.12 to the testing matrix. * Fix operations with multiple path parameters (`@thomas-chauvet`) * API changes and additions: * DBaaS: * integrations settings * Split secrets over to separate endpoints * Add zone to service details * DNS record types cleanup * Instance password reset operation * Provide ``at-vie-2`` in the zones choices * Block Storage operations and CSI addon * Audit-trail format adjustments * Add MAC address to private network attachments 0.8.0 (2023-05-11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add ``exoscale.api.v2.Client``: a low-level API client targeting the Exoscale V2 API. 0.7.1 (2021-10-18) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes ***** - compute: fix `instance_private_networks` arg check in `create_instance_pool()` method 0.7.0 (2021-05-11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features ******** - compute: add support for Deploy Targets resources - compute: Instance Pools now support Elastic IP attachment, Instance Prefix and - Deploy Targets - compute: the ``InstancePool.update()`` method now supports updating Anti-Affinity Groups, IPv6 enabling, Security Groups, Private Networks and SSH Key. - compute: new ``InstancePool.evict()`` method Changes ******* - compute: the ``get_instance_pool()`` method now accepts either of ``name``/``id`` parameters - compute: the ``InstancePool.delete()`` method ``wait``/``max_poll`` parameters have been removed 0.6.0 (2021-04-21) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features ******** - compute: the ``SecurityGroup.update()`` now updates the Compute instance Security Groups membership live without requiring to stop the instance - compute: add ``Instance.user_data`` property - compute: add ``InstanceTemplate.boot_mode`` attribute - dns: ``create_dns_record()`` now returns the created record Fixes ***** - compute: don't crash when an Instance Template doesn't have details metadata 0.5.2 (2021-04-13) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes ***** - compute: add missing `bootmode` parameter to `register_instance_template()` (#32) 0.5.1 (2021-03-16) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes ***** - Exclude tests from Python packaging 0.5.0 (2021-03-15) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features ******** - compute: add Anti-Affinity Groups support to Instance Pools (#27) Fixes ***** - Rely on pathlib for home lookup (#29) - compute: don't crash when listing instances generated from templates (#28) 0.4.0 (2020-12-07) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features ******** - compute: add support for Network Load Balancers - compute: add support for Elastic IP HTTPS health checking - compute: add support for snapshot exporting Changes ******* - compute: `get_instance_pool()` arguments order 0.3.0 (2020-01-22) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New *** - Add support for IAM (``iam`` submodule) Features ******** - Allow HTTP session retry policy to be user configurable - compute: add support for Instance Pools - compute: add support for Elastic IP descriptions - compute: add Instance ``creation_date`` attribute Fixes ***** - storage: fix failing integration tests - storage: honor global client settings 0.2.0 (2019-10-09) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features ******** - storage: add Bucket/BucketFile ``url`` attribute Fixes ***** - compute: fix unhandled exception in ``get_*`` functions Changes ******* - compute: ``create_instance()`` function *root_disk_size* parameter has been renamed to *volume_size* - compute: ``get_elastic_ip()`` function now requires a *zone* parameter - compute: ``get_instance_template()`` function now requires a *zone* parameter - compute: ``get_instance()`` function now requires a *zone* parameter - compute: ``get_private_network()`` function now requires a *zone* parameter - compute: ``list_elastic_ips()`` function now requires a *zone* parameter - compute: ``list_instance_templates()`` function now requires a *zone* parameter - compute: ``list_instances()`` function now requires a *zone* parameter - compute: ``list_private_networks()`` function now requires a *zone* parameter 0.1.1 (2019-09-12) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Initial release